Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Romans 12-16

November 27

Romans 12-16

Each one of us have gifts from God. We can use those gifts for the benefit of the Body of Christ or we can use them to build ourselves up. Whenever we put ourselves above everyone else, we can be assured a fall is coming. God created us to come together and to support one another, not to lord our gifts over others or even to judge others. He wants us to lift each other up, so we call all grow closer to Jesus.

There are some people who are easier to love than others. There are some we just cannot make ourselves love. That is when we need the power of the Holy Spirit to empower us to love. Paul says we should even give our enemy food and drink. We cannot do that on our own. In love we support our brothers and sisters. If one hurts, the others are there to support them, if one rejoices, the others are there to rejoice with them. The Church is the Body of Christ and as with any body each member is affected by the others.

It can be difficult enough getting along with members of your family, how can we learn to love our brothers and sisters in Christ let alone our enemies. This kind of love can only happen when we first love God with all our heart. Paul wrote; "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship." (Romans 12:1, NIV) When we offer our bodies as living sacrifices, we no longer live for self preservation, but for the Kingdom of God. We can humble ourselves and love in ways that we could have never loved on our own. When we have a transformed mind, we can love with a pure heart.

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