November 18
Acts 12-14
As the church grew, so did persecution of the church. Herod
had James the brother of John put to death and arrested Peter with plans of
killing him also. While Peter was being held in prison, the church prayed. The
night before Peter was to be brought before Herod, God sent an angel to free
him. The angel released Peter from chains, and led him out of prison. Peter
went to the house where the church was meeting and praying and the people were
amazed that Peter had been freed. Peter told them the story of his narrow
escape and went to somewhere safe for a period of time.
There are two lessons we can learn from this story. First,
pray without ceasing. God hears our prayers. He does not always answer them the
way we expect or even perhaps the way we ask, but He answers prayers. The
second lesson is that God’s timing is not our timing. There is saying that God is
rarely early, but never late. I imagine Peter was wondering how late God was
going to be in releasing him from prison. The church prayed, God heard, but it
was not until the night before Peter was to be executed that God sent and angel
to deliver him. Don’t give up, keep praying, and trust God.
Though the church was praying, they were amazed that Peter had
been released. The reason they were amazed is they were praying for something
that seemed impossible. It is good for us to seek God to help in our impossible
situations. When we only ask for what we can do on our own, we never see the
miracles. It is alright to ask for the impossible, but we also need to know
that sometimes God answers; “no.” Not because He does not love us or want what
is best for us, but because He does want what is best for us and His best is
not always what we see as the best.
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