Friday, November 22, 2013

Acts 23-26

November 22

Acts 23 -26

They purpose behind some events is not always obvious. We often wonder why things happen the way they happen. When challenges and struggles come into our lives we ask “why”. When disaster strikes whether close to home or around the world, we see the devastation and wonder why. It does not seem fair when innocent people face the consequences for the actions of others, but we live in a broken world. Sin drives our society and there are consequences for sin, not only for the offender, but there are ripple effects. Sin affects everyone.

As Paul was being brought before Felix and Agrippa, he had to wonder why this was happening to him. He had done what God asked him to do. He went and preached the gospel where God led him to preach. He had not disobeyed the law, but had upheld the law. He had faced persecution at the hands of Jews and Gentiles and now he stood before the governor and the king.

Perhaps Paul had heard the account from the Matthew’s letter that Jesus had warned; "On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles." (Matthew 10:18, NIV) He realized that imprisonment and this trial were not accidental. This was part of Paul’s mission in spreading the Gospel. Jesus had also said; "But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." (Matthew 10:19-20, NIV)


Paul did not hold back, he did not change his message. He showed respect to the government leaders, but he used the opportunity to share the gospel. He allowed the Spirit of God to speak through him. God used what seemed like a destructive event in Paul’s life to bring good. Paul and his followers may have wondered why this was happening to him, but God saw the bigger picture. Paul was not a victim, he was sent by God to deliver a message to the governor and king. Paul did not whine about his situation, instead he rose to the occasion.


Sometimes bad things happen in our lives because we live in a broken sinful world. Sometimes bad things happen in our lives because God wants to mature us or use us in ways we cannot see or imagine. No matter the reason we are facing trails, we can know that God is in the trial with us and will pull us through.

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