Tuesday, November 12, 2013

John 17-19

November 12

John 17-19

"As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." (John 17:18, NIV) Jesus repeated this in John 20:21; “as the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”  Followers of Jesus are sent people. Jesus prays not that we would be removed from the world, but that God would protect us from the evil one. He does not remove us, but sends us. He does not call us into a holy huddle to talk about how bad the world is while we remain protected in our churches. He sends us into the world to bring restoration and preservation. He does not say for us to build it and they will come, He sends us into the world to change the world.


It is much easier to play armchair quarterback and gripe about the condition of our country, our government, and the world. It takes effort to bring about change. Just as the Father sent Jesus to bring hope and holiness to a broken and dying world, Jesus sends us to bring hope and holiness wherever we go. We are the salt that flavors and preserves the world in which we live. We are the light that points people toward Jesus who loves them and brings salvation. Our job is not finished until Jesus calls us home.


If we sit and wait, we are disobeying Jesus. He has sent you.

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