Saturday, November 16, 2013

Acts 7-8

November 16

Acts 7-8

Stephen and six other men who were filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom were chosen to oversee the distribution of food to the widows in the church. The apostles delegated this responsibility so they could concentrate on preaching and praying. Just because their job was to coordinate the distribution of food, did not keep Stephen from sharing the Word of God. As he shared, opposition arose, but Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, was able to crush any argument they made against him or his message. Stephen was taken before the Sanhedrin where Stephen shared the history of the people of Israel from Abraham to Jesus. He spoke of their rebellion and their murder of the prophets. Then he told them that they continue to resist the Holy Spirit and murder the messengers of God including the Righteous One, Jesus Christ.

The message of Stephen the truth of the sinfulness of humanity, including the religious leaders was more than the Sanhedrin could stand. They covered their ears and yelled so they did not have to hear the truth. They resisted the Word of God spoken through Stephen as they had resisted the Word of God spoken by the prophets and finally by Jesus. The leaders were furious and stoned Stephen. Stephen on the other hand looked up and saw the Glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father as he died at the hands of the religious leaders.

We may not shout and cover our ears, but do we really listen when God is trying to speak to us. Do we obey the Word of God, or do we continue to walk our own walk refusing to hear the corrections God is trying to make in our lives? We may not stone the messenger, but do we willingly receive the correction revealed through the bible and perhaps spoken by a friend or pastor?

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