Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hosea 1-5

September 24

Hosea 1-5

The first five chapters of Hosea tell Hosea’s story with his adulterous wife, Gomer. God uses His prophet as an object lesson to teach Israel about His love for them. Though Israel is chasing after the ways of the world, God still loves her. Though they worship false gods and create images out of wood, metal, and stone that they worship, God continues to pursue them. Hosea’s wife left him to return to a life of prostitution where she was enslaved, but Hosea bought her out of slavery to take home as his wife. God tells Israel that they will face consequences for their action, but He will bring them back so they will know that He is God.

No matter where we have been or what we have done, God loves us and pursues a relationship with us. Our tendency is to pursue the ways of the world. We may not say we worship idols or false gods, but we run after material goods and money and put them above our relationship with God. We are not different than the Israelites. But God has bought us from slavery. Jesus blood paid the price. God wants us to have a relationship with Him. He wants to be the center of our focus. He wants to guide our lives. He paid the price; we have to decide if we will follow Him or if we will follow the deceitful pull of the world.


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