Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ezekiel 25-27

September 10

Ezekiel 25-27

No matter how great a nation may think they are, they operate at the mercy of God. At any time, He can bring another nation, a greater nation to power to administer discipline on a nation that has turned from Him. God did not just choose to destroy Jerusalem; He named the nations around Israel and promised to bring destruction to each of them for their actions. But God does not bring judgment just to destroy; He brought judgment to bring repentance. God brought disaster in order to bring the people of all nations to a place where they would know that He is God.

God did not just love Israel and hate the other nations. God wanted to use Israel to reveal himself to the other nations, but when Israel rebelled, the other nations did not see a true representation of a nation living for God. Some of the nations enjoyed seeing Israel face judgment not realizing they would face the same end. God so loved the world, He tried to call all the nations to himself. Finally He sent His Son to bring salvation to all nations. To all who believe, to those who receive Jesus will receive eternal life, those who reject Him will receive eternal damnation.

God wants to use us to spread the good news. He does not want to destroy people and sent them to hell. He wants to bring restoration to our souls, He wants to give us lives that are full and that fulfill His purpose for us. We have a choice, we can repent and turn to God, or we can face His judgment and face hell. God is calling us to himself, and He is calling those around us. We may be the tool He uses to pluck our neighbors out of eternal damnation, will you step up when He calls.



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