Monday, September 9, 2013

Ezekiel 22-24

September 9

Ezekiel 22-24

"“I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none." (Ezekiel 22:30, NIV)
When God was about to destroy Sodom, Abraham interceded for the city and asked God to spare the city if there were ten righteous men in the city. God could not find ten righteous in all of Sodom and the city was destroyed. God is about to destroy Jerusalem and He looked for one righteous man to stand in the gap, to stem the tide of destruction and moral decay, but none could be found.
Who will stand in the gap in our day? Who will continue to intercede before God as Abraham did for Sodom, seeking God’s grace in the midst of His judgment? Where are the people who will pray for the national leaders? Where are the people who will stand up for what is right in a world that is going wrong? God is seeking people who will build up a wall, people who will stop the moral decline. God is looking for people who will stand in the gap between a holy God and unholy people. God is looking for people who will pray for our land so God does not have to destroy it.

Sometimes we look at our world and wonder what difference we can make a difference. The task seems to be beyond anything we can change, but we have to remember, we are not alone. God is looking for people who will stand for what is right and good. God is looking for people to intercede between God and people. God is looking for people who will live lives of righteousness in the midst of an unrighteous world. When He looks in your community, will He say; “I found one”?


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