Thursday, September 19, 2013

Daniel 1-2

September 19

Daniel 1-2

"But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way." (Daniel 1:8, NIV)


Daniel made up his mind before he ever faced the temptation. “Daniel resolved not to defile himself.” Daniel made up his mind that no matter what punishment he may face, he would not defile himself. Daniel was determined and steadfast in his decision, but that did not mean he was arrogant or rude to his captors. Daniel asked for permission, though he had already resolved not to defile himself. He found favor with the official because he did not make a big scene and shout that he would not eat the food brought to them. He asked permission and he found favor. He resolved not to defile himself and God gave him favor.


Peer pressure is intense no matter how young or old we are. If we do not resolve not to defile ourselves with the pleasures of the world, we will be easily swayed to follow the crowd.  There are certain boundaries we need to decide before we ever get into a circumstance that will bounce us up against those boundaries. How far will we go in a dating relationship? What is our stance against drugs or alcohol? How far in debt will we go and what will we borrow money to buy? There are too many examples to give here, but many of these things we need to decide before we face them in the midst of peer pressure.


We do not have to react to these circumstances in a judgmental or condescending way. If we resolve not to defile ourselves, when we face circumstances that will take us beyond the boundaries we have set, we can just excuse ourselves or even ask permission, if the circumstance warrants it, to abstain from the activity presenting itself. If we resolve not to defile ourselves and stand strong in our convictions, God will walk with us and protect us and empower us in the challenges we will face.


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