Sunday, January 27, 2013

Exodus 30-32

January 27

Exodus 30-32

Our readings today begin with more instruction on worship and the articles of the tabernacle, instruct us on the proper understanding of the Sabbath and ends with the rebellion of the people and the making of a golden calf. It is not hard to see how rebellious people are at their heart. We want to worship something, and we like it when we can make God in the image we want Him to take instead of worshiping Him as He is.

Today though, instead of focusing on the temple or then rebellion, I want us to focus on chapter 31:1-11. When we think about God’s calling on our lives, we often think of pastors or missionaries, but God creates us and calls us to different ministries. God chose Bezalel to do the work in the tabernacle. In fact, God said He filled Bezalel “with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts.” God also appointed Oholiab to help and gave skill to all the craftsmen to make everything God told them to make.

God gives us all different gifts. One gift is not more important than the other. Our responsibility is to figure out our gift and then to figure out how God wants us to use if for His glory. Every church has every person and every resource they need to do everything God calls them to do. If they do not have everyone and everything they need to do the ministries they are engaged in, either they are doing ministries God has not called them to do or those He has gifted are holding back.

God called the Israelites to build a tabernacle and He gifted various people to do the work. Through God’s gifts the task was accomplished. What is God calling you to do? How has He gifted you? (We all have gifts so don’t try to deny them.) How are you using your gifts to glorify God? What does God want to do through you to build His Kingdom?


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