Monday, December 30, 2013

Revelation 17-18

December 29

Revelation 17-18

The things of earth will not last. People put their trust in their jobs, their savings, their homes, their retirement account, but none of these things will last. Babylon represents the focus of this world, the result of sinful humanity. There will be those who rise up against Jesus. Those who refuse to turn to Him. Some will worship the beast and persecute followers of Jesus. Though they come against the followers of Jesus, though they continue to reject Him and wage war against Him, they will not win.

Jesus said; "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." (Matthew 16:18, NIV) When the final battle takes place, Jesus and His Church will remain standing. We all face challenges in life, but in the end, only one thing matters; our relationship with Jesus. Everything else is going to be destroyed. All the luxuries will turn to dust. We will stand before the judgment seat of Christ where we will hear; “well done my good and faithful servant”  or “away from me, I never knew you.” Our choices now affect our eternal life.


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