Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hebrews 6-9

December 16

Hebrews 6-9

Jesus came as the great high priest. The priests of the old covenant took the blood of bulls and goats to cover over their sin and the sin of the people. Jesus had no sin so He did not have to make a sacrifice for himself. But by the shedding of His blood He entered the heavenly holy of holies and sat at the right hand of the Father.  The blood of bulls and goats covered over sin, but they were not able to purify us of our sin. The blood of Jesus cleanses us completely so that we can be set aside as holy instruments able to faithfully serve God.

What does it mean that Jesus came and shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sin? What difference does it make in the way we live? If we can begin to realize that God became human and died for us, we would begin to realize how much He loves us. If we begin to realize how much He loves us, we will realize He wants what is best for us and His instructions for life are for our benefit, not to shackle us and keep us from the good times. When we understand these concepts, we desire to walk in obedience to Him because of our love for Him and our desire to live the lives He created us to live.  



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