December 28
Revelation 14-16
When the end or time approaches there will be a great
division that will take place. In Matthew 13:47 and following, Jesus said the
Kingdom of God is like a net that catches all kinds of fish and the fishermen
separate the good from the bad. "This
is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the
wicked from the righteous and throw them into the
fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
(Matthew 13:49-50, NIV) Jesus also said that at the harvest the wheat and the
weeds would be separated. The wheat taken into the barn and the weeds will be
burnt. These verses from Revelation reveal the fulfillment of the stories told
by Jesus. Those who die in the Lord will rest from their labor, while the
wicked will be cursed to eternal damnation.
You would think that when the bowls of wrath began to be
poured out, the people would turn to God, begging for mercy, but they refuse to
repent and give Him glory. In the Old Testament, God called Israel to
repentance, but they refused. They trusted the other nations instead of
trusting God. In our day, many people die refusing to turn to God, refusing to
repent of their sin, refusing to put their trust in Jesus. We are reminded of
the power of sin. Sin overpowers us and hardens our hearts until we refuse to
listen to God; we refuse to submit to His authority. It is important to respond
to God’s call when we hear Him. To “put off” responding may harden our hearts
so we cannot respond. There will be a day of judgment, our only hope is to be
cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
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