Saturday, July 6, 2013

Psalm 145-150

July 6

Psalm 145-150

The normal attitude of those who know and love God is to praise Him. When we begin to understand that He our Creator, our God, our Savior, our Protector, our Healer, our Helper, that He holds all of creation in His hands, we cannot help but praise Him. When we begin to understand God’s goodness we cannot help but tell what He has done for us through the years.

God provides for the poor, He is the Father to the fatherless, He is compassionate toward his creation, He upholds those who fall and lifts those who are bowed down. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Our proper response to God’s goodness and grace is to praise Him.

We cannot praise God enough, but we probably don’t even begin to give Him the praise we should and could give. When we see the sunrise, we should praise Him. When we see the sunset, we should praise Him. When we sit down to eat a meal, we should praise Him. When we lay down at the end of the day we should praise Him.

Whatever we face, whatever each day may bring through the trials and through the triumphs, we should praise God. When we praise Him, it not only shows our appreciation for God’s goodness, it also lifts our spirits and empowers us to see the goodness in the midst of the trials.

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." (Psalm 150:6, NIV)

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