Friday, July 26, 2013

Isaiah 15-19

July 26

Isaiah 15-19

"The Lord will strike Egypt with a plague; he will strike them and heal them. They will turn to the Lord, and he will respond to their pleas and heal them." (Isaiah 19:22, NIV)

God has a plan. His plan does not exclude anyone. He sent His Son for all sin. Jesus did not come to die just for the righteous, for those who would turn to Him. His death was payment for all sin. God desires to reach all people with His love. He offers salvation to all who will turn from their sin and turn toward Him.

Egypt was an ancient enemy of Israel. God delivered Israel out of Egyptian bondage. In these verses, God says that He will send a Savior to save Egypt when they cry out to the Lord because of their oppressors. God sent that Savior when Jesus came as the Savior and Defender for all the nations, for all who will acknowledge the Lord and will follow Him.

God says He will bring that healing to Egypt when He strikes her with a plague. “He will strike them and heal them.” Most people do not think of being struck as being a means of healing. But often through discipline, we get our eyes focused where they should be focused. God often strikes us with consequences for our actions in order to get our attention and to get us to turn to Him and seek His healing touch.

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