Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Isaiah 33-36

July 31

Isaiah 33-36

"O Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress." (Isaiah 33:2, NIV)

It is only a few words, but they make up a prayer with great power. “Be gracious to us.” There is nothing more we need than God’s grace. Grace is getting what we do not deserve. It is receiving God’s approval, though we do not deserve it by our actions. God’s grace accepts us in spite of who we are and what we have done. Because of God’s grace, He accepts us just as we are. Through Jesus Christ, God’s grace transforms us from sinners into children of God. In Isaiah’s day, God’s grace would protect and restore Israel, though she had rebelled against God and His covenant with them.

When we realized our in adequacy to save ourselves and our need for God’s salvation, we long for Him. We realize our need for a Savior and we can cry out to Him and know He hears us and responds to our cries. When we begin to realize Who God really is and get a glimpse of His love for us and the grace He extends to us, we cannot help but long for Him. Each day is a new day, each day we need more of Jesus. Like salt drives us to drink more water, just a glimpse of Jesus, makes us want more.

He is our strength and our salvation every day. God just wants us to turn to Him. He wants to help us. He wants to lead us. He wants to give us all we will ever need. He wants to create us into the people He created us to be. But we have to be willing to allow Him to work in us and on us. He is our strength and will empower us to live each day to its fullest. He is our salvation and will lead us through the difficult times in life. He forgives us of our sins and saves us for His glory.  

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