Sunday, June 23, 2013

Psalm 75-78

June 23

Psalm 75-78

How will they know if we do not tell them? How will the next generation know what God has done in us and for us if we do not share what we have seen God do? It has been said that Christianity is only one generation from extinction. If we do not tell our children and grandchildren about the mighty acts of God, they will not know about the miracles He has done in our lives. "We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done." (Psalm 78:4, NIV)

The psalmist shares the history of the Israelites, the good and the bad. They turned from God and he punished them. They turned to Him and He blessed them. They forgot about His deliverance and began to complain to Him about what they  did not have instead of thanking Him for what they did have. They put God to the test and He rejected them, but after the time of punishment was over, He restored them and made them into a mighty nation under David their king.

It is good to tell the stories. We need to be reminded of our successes but we also need to be reminded of our failures. We need to praise God for His deliverances in our lives, and we need to remember the times He has brought correction in our lives. Our children need to hear about our successes, but they also need to hear about our failures. They need to know that God will walk with them in the face of hardships, but He will also bring correction when they wander from the truth. Perhaps our children can learn from our mistakes.

Because God loves us, He disciplines us. Because God loves us, He blesses us. Our lives often mirror that of the Israelites. When all is well we forget about God, we trust in ourselves, but when the hard time comes we cry out for His help. But if we will commit to follow Him, He will restore us and make us a part of a mighty nation, the Kingdom of God, under Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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