June 6
Job 30-32
Job felt like God had left him. He felt like God had brought disaster
upon him and had left him to suffer. He felt like God did not care what
happened to him or the trials that he faced. Job had walked as a man of
integrity, but the reward for his integrity seemed to be suffering.
Job was purposeful in his life of righteousness. He determined in his
heart that he would walk in obedience to God. Even in the face of adversity, he
determined to continue to serve God. Even though he felt like he was being
unfairly targeted for punishment, he did not turn from his righteousness. One
of the determinations Job made was; "“I
made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl." (Job
31:1, NIV) Men know that this is a problem. Women perhaps there are other covenants
you need to make to remain pure in mind.
Job made a covenant with his eyes. He made an agreement not to look
lustfully at a girl. When those thoughts came to his mind he turned them away.
When temptation crouched at his door, he resisted. When his eyes saw a woman,
beautiful in form, he bounced his eyes away from the girl to something that
would redirect his mind. He reminded himself that the girl he was seeing was a
daughter and a child of God.
There are certain temptations that we know are a struggle for us. When
we know ahead of time we are going to struggle with certain temptations, the
best way to overcome the temptation is to be prepared. We have to prepare our
hearts and minds before we are in the situation that can drag us down. We have
to decide how we will respond before we are in the heat of the moment. Job made
a covenant with his eyes. When a beautiful woman was coming down the street,
Job knew how to divert his mind; he had already developed a plan.
Temptation comes to all of us. How we handle temptation depends on how
we have prepared ourselves. We cannot plan for every situation, but when we
know we have an area where we are weak, we can prepare and protect our hearts
and minds. Job determined to walk in righteousness. When trouble came, he
continued to walk in righteousness. He did not understand why he was suffering,
but he continued to maintain his integrity.
Paul wrote; "No temptation
has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not
let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will
also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." (1
Corinthians 10:13, NIV) When we are prepared for the battle, we have a better
chance of winning the victory over the temptations that seize our minds.
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