Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Psalm 17-20

June 12

Psalm 17-20

David has many descriptions for God. Psalm 18:1-2 describes God as strength, rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield , horn of my salvation, and stronghold. Each description reveals God as a solid, steadfast, protector of those who love and serve Him. God is powerful and we can depend on Him when we hang on to Him and remain focused on His desires for our lives. The world tosses those who trust in it around like a boat on raging seas. But God is like a rock. He does not change, we can hang on to Him and know He is steadfast and trustworthy.

God is also our deliverer. He delivers us from evil. He also delivers us from eternal hell through His love and grace provided through the life death and resurrection of Jesus. Those who believe in jesus and receive Him as their Lord and Savior are delivered from the captivity of sin and given new lives as children of God.

God does not only deliver, He also protects us. He is our refuge, shield, horn of our salvation and our stronghold. When we are in Christ we are under God’s protection. We can trust Him. Paul had so much trust in God’s protecting hand that he could write; "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21, NIV)  Paul so trusted God to protect him, that he did not even fear death, for death was merely the means of transferring to eternity with Christ.

God is our salvation, our deliverer, and our protector. Our responsibility is to hang on to our rock and stronghold, to seek His salvation, and to go to Him for refuge. God offers us His protection, we just have to accept it. No matter what we may face in life, God is with us. He will walk the journey with us and guide us and protect us. The worst thing that can happen is we die, and as Paul wrote; “to die is gain.” What can this world do to us, if we are children of God living in His protective hands?

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