March 23
1 Samuel 4-7
The power of God is revealed in today’s reading. God
is not to be used as a good luck charm in order to defeat our enemies. He had
told the Israelites that the ark was to be kept in the Holy of Holies within
the tabernacle. Though it represented the presence of God, it was not to be
paraded off to war to defeat the enemy. The Israelites wanted to use God, but
they did not want to obey God.
God allowed the Philistines to defeat the Israelites
and the ark was captured. Though God allowed the Philistines to capture the
ark, He did not allow them to use it as booty either. They put it in the temple
of their “god” Dagon and the statue of Dagon bowed before the ark the first
night and was destroyed the second night. Each town where the ark went faced
God’s wrath. The finally in desperation sent the ark back to Israel with guilt
offerings of gold.
When the ark first arrived in Israel seventy men
were struck down for trying to look in the ark. That town sent the ark off to
another town. God is a powerful God and He is not to be played with. This whole
experience brought on the death of Eli and his sons and Samuel became the
prophet watching over Israel. He warned the people that if they were going to
turn back to God, they had to turn back to Him completely. He is a jealous God
and does not share His people with other gods. The people fasted and confessed
and turned to God, who protected and provided for them.
We don’t see God striking down people the way He did
in the Old Testament. Perhaps people would show Him more respect if He did. But
God still expects those who are called by His name to humble themselves and to
serve Him alone. He is not our good luck charm, He is our Lord and our Savior.
He is looking for people who will walk in obedience to Him. Those who follow
Him with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength will be blessed.
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