Sunday, March 31, 2013

1 Samuel 27-31

March 31

1 Samuel 27-31

God is a forgiving God, but there are consequences for our actions. Saul had rejected God so God told him He would give someone else the kingdom. Saul rejected God, so God no longer spoke to Saul. After Samuel died, Saul had no one to consult concerning God’s directions for the nation of Israel. Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritualists from the land. When the Philistines began to gather together, Saul became nervous. He inquired of God, but God did not respond. Saul then sought out a medium to inquire of Samuel beyond the grave.

Through the medium Saul spoke to someone he thought was Samuel. It may have been a demon or an angel, or God may have allowed Saul to speak to Samuel, we cannot know for sure. But the message to Saul was that God had in fact turned away from Saul because he had turned away from God and had done what he wanted instead of what God instructed. Samuel delivered the news that Saul and the Israelites would be defeated by the Philistines, and that Saul and his sons would join Samuel in the land of the dead the next day.
David on the other hand went home to find the Amalekites had raided his home and taken all the women and children along with their possessions.  The men turned against David, but instead of defending himself, he went to the Lord. God gave David strength and when David inquired of God, God told him to pursue the Amalekites and he would succeed in rescuing those taken captive.

David maintained a relationship with God and God answered David and gave him success. Saul had sought his own way earlier in his reign and God allowed him to have it his way. But Saul’s way led to destruction. Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle; in fact Saul killed himself after being mortally wounded. Saul’s family lost the reign over Israel. David was about to become king.

When we seek God with all our hearts, we will find Him. When we need wisdom and ask God, He will give it to us. When we turn from God, He lets us go, but we will face the consequences for our sin. We all have a choice, we can live and die like Saul, or we can live like David when he was walking with God.

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