February 20
Numbers 28-31
Even though the Israelites continue to rebel against
God time after time, God continues to bless them and extend His grace to them.
In order for a holy God to remain dwelling with His people, the people must
continually cleanse themselves of their sin. God expects them to walk in
obedience to Him, but provides provision for them when they do not. Sin cannot
be winked at and ignored. There are consequences for our disobedience. God gave
the Israelites daily, weekly, and monthly offerings to be made by the priest in
order to cleanse Israel of her sin. He also gave them annual feast to celebrate
to remind them of God’s deliverance of them from their enemies.
Chapter 31 deals with Israel’s battle with the
Midianites. The Midianites included the Moabites who seduced the Israelites
into sin. This battle seems gruesome by our standards. God instructs the
Israelites to take vengeance on the Midianites. The Israelites wipe out every
Midianite man they find and also kill women and children and take all their
possessions as booty. Why would God make such a command? How does this apply to
our world today?
First we have to remember that the Midianites
represent those who bring temptation to God’s people and encourage them to turn
away from God. God had instructed the Israelites not to associate with the gods
of the people in the lands where they were going. The Israelites did not listen
to God and not only were involved in sexual immorality, but also turned toward
the idols of the Midianites so committed idolatry. God’s desire is to cleanse
His people of all sin. The Midianites were a source of corruption, so God had
the Israelites remove them.
We must understand that this is not a command for
Christians today to wipe out those who do not believe in Jesus. But what we do
need to apply to our lives is that we need to remove the sin from our lives. We
can purge those things or people who tempt us to turn our backs on God so we
can do our own thing. We can get rid of
material thing that lead us away from God. We do not wipe out people in the
name of God, but we don’t have to hang out with people or go places that tempt
God wants us to love Him with all our hearts, minds,
soul, and strength. Anything that interferes with that relationship needs to be
removed or changed.
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