Monday, February 18, 2013

Numbers 22-24

February 18

Numbers 22-24

Balak, king of Moab, saw what Israel had done to the Amorites. This struck fear into the people of Moab, so Balak decided he would enlist the services of Balaam, a prophet of God. Balak sent men to persuade Balaam to bless Moab and curse Israel. What Balak did not understand was that the God of Israel was also Balaam’s source of blessing and curses. When the Moabites asked Balaam to come with them, Balaam told them he had to consult with God first. God spoke to Balaam and told him not to go with the Moabites.

Balaam was not an Israelite, but apparently God revealed himself to others besides the Israelites. God was going to use Balaam for Israel’s benefit. Balak sent another coalition to Balaam. This time they were more distinguished and more numerous than before. Balak offered to pay Balaam handsomely if he would come and curse the Israelites. Once again Balaam consulted with God. This time God told Balaam he could go, but only if he did only what God instructed him to do.

Balaam got on his donkey and headed off with the princes of Moab. We are not told why, but for some reason God got angry with Balaam. Perhaps it was because Balaam was quick to desire to go with the Moabites to gain riches while when God directed him he was a little slower to respond. We do not know for sure.

As Balaam was traveling, the angel of the Lord blocked the road so Balaam’s donkey went into a field, again the angel of the Lord stood in the way and Balaam’s donkey hugged next to the rock wall and crushed Balaam’s foot, a third time the angel blocked a narrow path and Balaam’s donkey laid down and refused to move. The donkey saw what Balaam could not see. God opened the donkey’s mouth and the donkey asked Balaam why he beat her the three times she tried to protect him from God’s wrath. God opened Balaam’s eyes and he saw that the donkey had saved him from the sword of the angel.

God wants to direct our lives. He does not want to make us miserable; He wants us to live full and fulfilled lives. Sometimes He brings circumstances our way that we cannot understand. We do not see what is going on in the spiritual world. Other people may come and attempt to guide us, but we get angry and wonder why they are interfering with our lives. Sometimes we need to just stop and ask God to help us see what we need to see, because sometimes God even speaks through donkeys. When we are willing to listen to the wise counsel God brings our way and will stop and listen when God speaks, we will be saved from a load of heartache.

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