Sunday, February 17, 2013

Numbers 19-21

February 17

Numbers 19-21

The Israelites are a fickle group. If it was not for Moses God would have destroyed them all several times, but Moses interceded for them and God relented from striking them down. Korah and his followers have recently been taken out as the ground opened up and swallowed them. God confirmed His choice of Aaron and his descendent to be priest over Israel. But none of these things satisfied the Israelites, they continued to rebel against Moses, Aaron and God.

Once again we see the Israelites in the desert without water. God has provided for them numerous times in the past, but their memories are short. Once again they tell Moses that it would have been better if they had died than to continue living in their current condition.

Moses was a wise man and instead of arguing with them, he went into the presence of God. God told Moses to speak to a rock and water would flow from the rock. In Exodus 17:6 God had instructed Moses to strike the rock and water would flow from it, this time God said to speak to the rock. Just because God does something one way one time, it does not mean that He is going to do it the same way the next time. God gives specific instructions and expects His people to obey.

Moses went out to the people as God instructed and instead of speaking to the rock he blasted the people. In his anger, Moses struck the rock twice and water flowed. God is a God of grace and He provided water for His people and their livestock. But God is also a holy God and expects His people to obey Him. There are consequences for disobedience no matter who we are or what we have done in the past. Inexact obedience to God is the same as disobedience.

Our verses this morning seem harsh. Moses and Aaron do not get to go into the Promised Land when God leads them across the Jordan. We are reminded that anger, a lack of trust, and disobedience are a big deal in God’s eyes. Are you walking in obedience to God even over the “little” things? God is seeking obedience in all things. There are consequences for disobedience.


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