Sunday, November 24, 2013

Romans 1-4

November 24

Romans 1-4

Our salvation, justification, has never been about what we do, it is, and always has been, about faith. The Jews looked back to Abraham as their father. Abraham received the covenant from God, a promise to bless him and his descendants, that He would bless them and be with them. Abraham received this promise, not because of what he did, but because he believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. By his faith, God made him righteous. He was circumcised as a sign of his relationship with God, but the relationship was established by faith. Circumcision, the action, occurred later.

In the same way, our salvation is not initiated by us. We have all sinned and have rebelled against God. We do not seek Him, but He seeks us and invites us to come into a relationship with him. When we turn to Him, by faith, we are saved. But just as Abraham’s actions revealed his faith, our actions should reveal our faith. We do not have to be circumcised in the flesh, our hearts are circumcised, we are marked as the children of God.

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