Friday, November 8, 2013

John 6-7

November 8

John 6-7

After Jesus fed the 5,000, they followed him to the other side of the lake. The followed not because they wanted Jesus per se, but because they had experienced what He could do for them. The liked that He provided them with bread, but Jesus wants more for them. He wants to meet their spiritual needs while they are focusing on their physical needs. Jesus wants them to feed on Him, the bread of life instead of pursuing bread that will spoil. The crowd does not understand the mission or message of Jesus.

When Jesus speaks of the gift of eternal life, they want to know what they must do to do the works God requires. Jesus said the work is to believe in Him. He promises that all who looks to Him and believes in him will have eternal life. When Jesus claimed to come from heaven and to be the bread of life, the people began to grumble. They could not accept that He was the Son of God when they knew His father Joseph.

Many of His disciples left because of His hard teachings. Jesus turned to His disciples and asked; “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Peter realizing that Jesus was the Holy One of God knew that Jesus was the only choice. Without Jesus, as He revealed himself through His teaching and ministry, there is no hope.

It is time for followers of Jesus to stop trying to make Him something He is not. He is loving, but He also expects us to walk in obedience. His teaching is difficult. It is countercultural. It is challenging. It is convicting. Some people will not like us because we follow Jesus. Some will turn away when they hear the truth. Jesus did not say anything goes. He calls us to follow Him and to die to ourselves.

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