Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2 Samuel 4-6

April 2

2 Samuel 4-6

Even as David became king, he continued to trust in and inquire of God before he made decisions. He inquired of the Lord before attacking the Philistines. God instructed his military strategy, then assisted David in winning the battle. David was king because God made him king. David was powerful because God was with Him. David had a relationship with God.

But just because David had a relationship with God, it did not mean David was perfect. David attempted to bring the ark of God to Jerusalem. He thought he was doing what was right. He had a new cart built, put the ark on it and David and the Israelites celebrated as they worked toward Jerusalem. But the oxen stumbled, Uzzah touched the ark to keep it from falling and God struck him dead. David was angry and afraid after this event and left the ark at Obed-Edom’s home.

God blessed Obed-Edom while the ark was at his house. After three months David went back to get the ark, but this time he transported it the way God instructed him to transport the ark and made sacrifices along the way.

The old saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions has merit. David had good intentions, but they were not God’s intentions or at least were not carried out in the manner God intended. God is not interested in just the results we get, He wants us to obey Him along the way. He not only wants us to feed the poor, but to do it with love. He not only wants us to give, but to give with a cheerful heart. He not only wants us to love Him but to love Him with all our heart. You get the picture.

God wants a relationship with us. He wants to lead us and guide us in life so that we can live the abundant life. He wants what is best for us. As a result, He will also discipline us. He will use whatever means are necessary to get us and keep us on the path He has designated for us. Our responsibility is to walk in obedience to Him.

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