Friday, April 19, 2013

1 Kings 18-19

April 17

1 Kings 18-19

Depression, being down, or even pessimism can skew our perspective on life. No matter how good things may be, we still see the glass as half empty. Elijah came off one of the great miracles of God. He prepared an offering and asked God to bring down fire from heaven, and God did. Elijah told the people it was time to choose. It was not a time to waiver between opinions, it was time to choose. Elijah’s prayer when he called down fire from heaven was; "Answer me, O Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.”" (1 Kings 18:37, NIV)   Elijah was calling God to act to reveal Elijah as a great prophet, but to reveal God as God. The people did turn to God.
You would think after an experience like this, Elijah would be walking on air, but instead he became afraid of Jezebel’s threats and ran for his life. He went into the desert, sat under a broom tree and prayed that God would take his life. Instead, God provided food and drink for Elijah and prepared him for a journey in which he encountered God.

When Elijah complained to God about how he was the only one who was still serving Him and Jezebel was trying to kill him also, God reminded Elijah that He had kept a remnant. God had reserved seven thousand who were still faithful. God spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper and bringing a display of wind, and earthquakes, and fire. God does not always come in the obvious ways. He does not always show himself with fire from heaven, but often He speaks in a gentle whisper. We just have to listen.

Elijah was so focused on his own feelings; he was missing the great work God was doing around him. Elijah was so focused on Jezebel’s threats; he forgot that God was his protector. When we get overwhelmed with the cares of life, the obstacles, the challenges, it is easy to feel like we are all alone. It is easy to think there is no way out. We may even pray like Elijah and ask God to allow us to die. But if we will stop long enough to listen, we may very well hear God speak to us in a gentle whisper and remind us of what He has done and what He wants to do in our lives. He may even tell us of some people to bring along side of us to help us along.

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