Thursday, March 28, 2013

1 Samuel 19-21

March 28

1 Samuel 19-21

Jealousy is a terrible disease. It eats at the heart of a man or woman like a cancer that cannot be controlled. Jealousy overwhelmed Saul until his only focus in life was to get rid of David. David had done nothing against Saul; he had merely walked in obedience to God. He allowed God to use him when Goliath was defying the Israelite army led by King Saul. Saul could have stepped up and fought Goliath. Saul could have been the man used of God to defeat the Philistines, but Saul’s faith was not great enough to overcome his fear. Now every time Saul looked at David, he not only saw the giant slayer, he was also reminded of his own weakness.

Saul’s son, Jonathan, was David’s best friend. He protected David from his father, even though he knew David would take his place on the throne over Israel. Saul’s daughter Michal was David’s wife and protected him when Saul sent men to kill him. David ran to Samuel and while with Samuel, the Holy Spirit protected David as he came upon two units of Saul’s men and then came upon Saul himself.

David ended up running from Saul. He left the palace and lived a life as a fugitive, but God was with him. God protected David and prepared him to become king. Saul’s jealousy destroyed his life and his reign as king. Saul lost his focus. Though David was on the run, he continued to trust God to provide for him and he watched God work in amazing ways.

One of the Ten Commandments is do not envy. Envy comes when we want what someone else has. God has given us each different gifts. If we spend all our time looking at the gifts of others and wishing they were our gifts, we waste the gift God has given us.

Seek the gifts God has given you. Develop and use the gifts God has given you. Do not worry about what others have, trust God to bless you as you serve Him. Don’t allow jealousy to destroy your life.

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