Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jeremiah 46-48

August 27
Jeremiah 46-48

God disciplines those He loves. We may not understand His discipline, but we can know that if we disobey Him, He will discipline us, but He disciplines with justice. There are consequences for our actions. Our good choices and our bad choices have a ripple effect on the people around us. When we choose to do our own thing, ignoring the word of God, we will face punishment and those around us will also suffer. But when we choose to walk in obedience to God and to use the gifts He has given us for the building of His Kingdom, we will find blessings and those around us will be blessed.
God scattered Israel among the nations. He punished her for her sin, but He did not leave her without a promise. God promised to restore Israel and to punish the nations that He used to bring discipline because they too did not walk in obedience to God.

Many people who proclaim Jesus as their Lord, do not completely trust Him. They do not walk in obedience to Him because they trust in their deeds and their riches as Moab did according to Jeremiah 48:7. Those deeds cannot deliver us from sin. No matter our riches they cannot give us real freedom. But God also brings discipline on those He has gifted who do not use their gifts for His work. "“A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord’s work! " (Jeremiah 48:10a, NIV)

A genuine relationship with Jesus results in trust in Him no matter the cost. Trust in Jesus over trust in what we can do or what we can buy. Our money and our actions do not buy us favor with God. But God desires obedience. God desires our actions to reflect His love through the gifts He has given us for the building of the Kingdom of God. Curses and blessings come from God based on our response to the gifts He pours out on us.

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