Thursday, August 15, 2013

Jeremiah 10-12

August 15

Jeremiah 10-12

God was so upset with the nations of Judah and Israel that he told Jeremiah not to even pray for them. He refused to hear when they cried out to him in their distress. He had extended His grace to them over and over, but they continued to reject Him and do their own thing. This time they were going to face destruction. Their pleas for mercy were no longer effective. God was going to follow through with His discipline.

The people plotted against Jeremiah for the words God gave him to proclaim. They told Jeremiah to stop speaking the words of God. They did not like the message, so they sought to execute the messenger. But God protected Jeremiah and told him to continue speaking boldly.
There are people who do not want to hear the word of God. There are some who will tell us to stop talking to pretend all is well. But God calls us to continue to proclaim the truth of the Gospel. There is coming a day of judgment. There will be a day when the consequences for our actions and thoughts will be faced. If we continue to reject God, He will reject us on the Day of Judgment. But if we will turn to him He will restore us.

This is the message Jeremiah proclaimed to Jerusalem, it is also the message God calls us to proclaim to our world. His message is not always popular, but it is always needed. The message is that God is a God of judgment, but He is also a God of grace. There are consequences for our actions, but God disciplines in order to bring us back to Him.



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