Sunday, May 19, 2013

2 Chronicles 34-36

May 19

2 Chronicles 34-36

There is something about the bible, the Word of God that can cut right to the heart of our being. God created us and knows us better than we know ourselves. When we open the bible God speaks to where we are and what we need to hear at that time. We can read just to say we read the bible, or we can read and listen and look for what God is saying to us. The bible speaks to a point in history. In this passage is speaks of a time when Josiah was king of Judah and the Book of the Law was found, but it also speaks to our lives today.

When the Book of the Law was opened and read Josiah realized that Israel had wandered from God’s direction for them. He realized that in God’s covenant He had laid out provisions for Israel if she walked in obedience to Him, but He had also told what would happen if they disobeyed Him. Josiah repented and called the nation to do the same. God blessed and protected Josiah, but God eventually brought judgment on the nation.

We have a choice when we open the Word of God. We can read and listen and obey or we can ignore God’s instructions for life as a follower of Christ. God does not force himself on us, but there are consequences for disobedience. Paul wrote to Timothy a young pastor he had mentored; "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness," (2 Timothy 3:16, NIV) Scripture is alive and powerful if we allow it to speak into our lives. We can ignore it like the Israelites had done, therefore the Book of the Law was lost, or we can allow God to transform our lives through His Word.

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