Wednesday, May 1, 2013

1 Chronicles 3-4

May 1

1 Chronicles 3-4

In the midst of the list of names, a name gets a few lines telling about him. Bruce Wilkinson wrote a book about Jabez. Two verses speak about Jabez. In the midst of the list we are told that Jabez was more honorable than his brothers and that Jabez prayed. He prayed for God’s blessings on his live, and God granted his request. But Jabez did not just pray for blessings, he prayed for God’s hand to be with him. He prayed that God would expand his territory. He prayed that God would keep him from harm and free from pain.

What would happen if you prayed for God to expand your territory? Not for more land or a bigger house, but a bigger influence for the Kingdom of God. What would happen if you prayed that God would bless you in your sphere of influence for His glory? What would happen if you prayed that God would guide every step of your life, that you would go where He leads you and be the person He created you to be?

Jabez could have just been a name among the list. A name we read and kind of skip over because nothing significant is mentioned. Just a name preserved in history. But God expanded Jabez’s territory. We are told about Jabez’s boldness and his prayer for God’s blessings upon his life.

James wrote; “You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." (James 4:2-3, NIV)  James was not speaking to Jabez. Was he speaking to you?

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