Sunday, October 13, 2013

Matthew 5-7

October 12

Matthew 5-7

When Jesus went up on the mountainside and began to preach, He turned the common understanding of life upside down. He called for those who live for the Kingdom of God to live different than the rest of the world. He called for them the turn that world upside down and to be salt, which preserves and flavors, and light, which reveals and guides, to the rest of the world. He clarified the commandments and challenged the people to live righteous lives regardless of the environment around them. He called for peace even when enemies attack first. He called for love of enemies. The teachings of Jesus are impossible except Jesus tells us how to make them possible in our lives; prayer.

The only way to be able to walk in obedience to Jesus is through prayer. God knows what we need before we pray, but we need to pray to strengthen us for our mission. And a portion of the prayer Jesus taught was; “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus taught what it would look like if the Kingdom of God, if God’s will were to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Then He said to pray that it would come to fruition. Prayer is the power behind living for the Kingdom.

The other thing needed for the Kingdom of God to be revealed on earth is forgiveness. God has forgiven us a great transgression against Him, and He expects us to forgive others. The only way we can live out the teachings of Jesus about the Kingdom of God is if we can forgive others. When we forgive our enemies, they are no longer our enemies. When we forgive those who have hurt us, healing takes place. Forgiveness and prayer empower the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven and in our hearts as we travel this read with Christ.



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