Sunday, October 13, 2013

Matthew 1-4

October 11

Matthew 1-4

When you look at the genealogy of Jesus, you realize that some of the names you never heard of before. They were just ordinary people living ordinary lives. Some we know from bible stories. Some are heroes, others we would not expect to be in the lineage of Jesus the Son of God. You have Tamar who slept with her father in law, Rahab a prostitute, and Bathsheba identified only as Uriah’s wife, but we know she had an affair with David that cost her husband his life. But in spite of their ordinariness or their mistakes in life, God still used them. This assorted group of people is all a part of the family line of Jesus.

No matter where we are in life or what we have done in the past, God can still use us. Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, dressed in camel’s hair and ate locust and honey. He did not fit in with the crowd. He would be considered an outcast, but he preached calling the people to repent of their sin and many came. He prepared the people for the ministry of Jesus.

God has a plan for each one of us. He has created us each uniquely to live as His children. We are also born with a sin nature. We naturally turn away from God. But God continues to call us into a relationship with Him. If we turn from our sin and turn to Him, He will cleanse us and heal us and give us new hearts, hearts for Him.

When we look at the genealogy of Jesus, we are reminded that no one is too far gone. God will use anyone who is willing to turn to Him and allow Him to direct their lives.





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