Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nehemiah 8-9

May 25

Nehemiah 8-9

The Book of the Law was the bible for the Israelites. It contained the first five books of our bible. Those five books tell of creation, the root of sin, God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to make their descendants into a mighty nation, their slavery and deliverance from Egypt, their rebellion in the desert, up to the preparation for entering the Promised Land. When we know our history, we build a foundation for our faith. When the Book of the Law was read the people stood to give honor, then bowed their faces to the ground in worship. The words from the Book of the Law convicted them of their rebellion and the rebellion of their forefathers.

As the Book of the Law was read, certain men were assigned to explain the readings. This was similar to preaching today. Though the people were convicted of their sinfulness, the leaders told them not to mourn on that day. The day of the reading was to be a day of celebration. The Book of the Law can bring a multitude of emotions. We may grieve for our sinfulness and the sinfulness of those who have gone before, we may be in awe of the love of God and His deliverance, we may find great joy in God’s goodness, we may mourn for the lost days of our lives, we may celebrate that God is a God of second chances. The emotions run the gamut. But on this day the people were instructed to celebrate and to provide food and drink for those who had none.

We have the great opportunity to have the Word of God easily accessible. The Word of God is a powerful tool to equip us for life in this world and to empower us for opposition. But the Word of God sitting on the pages does not magically jump off and strengthen us. We need to read the Word or listen to the Word being read in order for God to speak to us through His Word. We have the complete Old and New Testament to give us everything we need to receive our salvation and to know the plans God has for us. As we read the emotions will fill our hearts. The Holy Spirit will encourage us, convict us, heal us, restore us, bless us, lift us up from the miry pit and will place us on the Rock. "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12, NIV)

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