Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1 Chronicles 24-26

May 8

1 Chronicles 24-26

The Levites were a chosen tribe. They did not get land allotted like the other tribes. They were given the job and privilege of serving in the temple. The direct descendants of Aaron served as priests making the sacrifices prescribed by God.  Other Levites were set apart for prophesying (preaching) or music ministry, while still others worked as gatekeepers, treasurers, or performed other duties in and around the temple. God gives us different gifts, but they are all to be used for the building of His Kingdom.

God gives us all gifts, but we have a responsibility to sharpen those gifts. Verse 25:7 says; “all of them were trained and skilled in music.” They were not only skilled they were trained. They were not only trained they were skilled. You can work year after year to teach a pig to sing, but it is still just a pig and he is not going to sing. You can take someone with great potential, but if they do not work to hone their skills they will never reach their full potential. This applies not only to music, but to all our gifts. God gives them to us to work at and develop so we can become all that He created us to become.  

We all have jobs to do. They are not all the same. Just as the Levites had different responsibilities in the work in and around the temple, God has distributed gifts within the Church, the Body of Christ. We are the arms and legs of Jesus, sent into our world for the building of the Kingdom of God. 

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