Monday, February 11, 2013

Numbers 3-4

February 10

Numbers 3-4

God continues to give the Israelites instructions on the proper means of living in the presence of a holy God. Aaron’s  sons learned the hard way that you do not do things your way when God had given them instructions on proper worship. The clans of the Levites are given specific tasks that they are responsible to perform. Anyone not of that clan is not to attempt to participate in breaking down, moving, or setting up the tabernacle. God has gifted and called the Levites and the priests to particular tasks and He expects them to obey.

God is protecting the Israelites. They are not worthy to come before a holy God so he creates a buffer for them. The priest makes sacrifices for himself and for the people when he enters God’s presence. The Levites camp closest to the tabernacle and are trained in moving the contents in a manner that will not bring condemnation upon them or the nation.

The Israelites have to be ready at all times. When God decides it is time to move, they have to be ready to break camp, cover the furniture, pack up all the utensils and follow God’s lead. God is teaching the Israelites to live as His people. The Israelites waited on God. When He said “go,” they went. When He said “stay,” they stayed. Perhaps Christians today could learn from the Israelites. Trust God to go where He leads and stay until He says to move.

The ceremony and sacrifices of worship pointed to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus. We do not have to go through all the ritual in order to be cleansed of our sin because Jesus took our sin upon himself once for all. We are invited to come before the throne of grace with confidence and do not have to fear being struck dead because we come into God’s presence unworthy. I am thankful to live on this side of the cross.

Sometimes I wonder if we have lost some of the awe that is healthy in our relationship with God. There is balance between confidence and fear of the Lord. God is holy and only through Him are we made holy. It is His righteousness that we receive. Perhaps a little wonder as we approach God would be helpful in our worship.

God is still God. He is still Holy. He still gifts and calls His people to particular ministries. Some are glamorous, some are not. He still calls His people to move or to stay in tough situations. God is still God. Are we still  listening?

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