Thursday, February 14, 2013

Numbers 11-13

February 14

Numbers 11-13

Rebellion. You would think the Israelites would learn not to rebel against God. God delivered them from slavery and brought them out of Egypt with numerous miracles, they complained about their hardships. He provided them with manna, bread from heaven; they complained that the food in Egypt was better. The Lord became angry and sent down fire from heaven, Moses prayed and God caused the fire to die down. They complained they did not have meat, God provided quail. Miriam and Aaron complained about Moses, God brought judgment upon them. Moses complained that God had put too much on him. The spies checked out the land God promised to give them and rebelled in fear. Only Caleb saw the truth that God could take care of the enemies no matter how big they may be. The Israelites knew how to complain. They were constantly fighting against God as He attempted to establish them as His own people.

The passages we read today reveal the rebellion of the Israelites as well as the judgment and grace of God. God sent down fire. He struck the people with a plague. He struck Miriam with leprosy. You would think they would learn. They did not.

The key to these passages comes from verse 23; “The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”" (Numbers 11:23, NIV) The message for us is not how bad the Israelites messed up, but how God continued to provide for them.

When Moses complained that the burden was too heavy for him, God spread the burden over the leaders of the people. God gave the gift of His Spirit to other leaders. It was not all about Moses, though he was God’s chosen person. God wanted to use others to help carry the load. Joshua was jealous for Moses, but Moses reminded Joshua “Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!”" (Numbers 11:29, NIV)

God wants to bless us. He wants to provide for us. We tend to rebel against Him and complain when we face the consequences, but God disciplines us to bring us back to obedience to Him. God encourages us to stop looking back to Egypt. Stop looking back at what we enjoyed before we were following Jesus. God has so much better for us as we follow Him. Stop looking back and look to Jesus.

Trust your brothers and sisters in Christ to help you carry your burdens. God does not intend for you to carry them alone. No matter what we face. No matter the trials. No matter the challenges you face to living out your faith. Remember God is faithful to all His promises. "The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”" (Numbers 11:23, NIV)

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