October 10
Malachi 1-4
In the days that Malachi was living, the people of Israel
were going through the motions of worshiping God, but they were not worshiping
with their heart. They looked for shortcuts and sought ways to lessen the cost
of sacrifices. They did not honor God and wondered why they followed Him.
God called for the people to bring the best of their flock,
a lamb without blemish. The people began to count the cost. They realized that
this lamb brought for sacrifice was going to die anyway, why not bring a blind
or cripple lamb for the sacrifice and keep the good lamb. This was a sign they
did not really trust God. If they trusted God, they would realize He could
bless them with more than they brought as a sacrifice. He could give them
multiple, high quality lambs, but they brought their leftovers. God wants our
best; our best time, our best effort, our best thoughts. God wants the best we
have to offer and not just what we have left over at the end of the week.
Peter says we are all priests. We represent God to the people
around us and represent the people to God when we lift them up in prayer.
Priests should turn people toward God and should speak justice and truth. The
priests of Malachi’s day caused people to stumble as they sought to benefit
themselves instead of pointing people to God. Many people today will tell you
they do not go to church because they have had negative experiences with
The men of Malachi’s day were leaving their wives in their
old age. God refused to listen to their pleas because they were seeking self
pleasure. They were breaking up their families and it affected their children.
God created the two to become one and there are consequences for breaking the
covenant of marriage. God hates divorce.
The people were also robbing God by not bringing a full
tithe as an offering. God said He cursed them because of their actions. But He
also invited them to test Him in their giving. He promised to bless them beyond
what they could give. The average giving by Christians in the church today is
2-3%. What difference does it make? Our giving reveals our trust in God. We can
say we trust Him, but when we are willing to open our checkbooks, we reveal
whether or not we really trust Him.
Finally, some of the people questioned the advantages of
serving God. They focused on the things of the world instead of the things of
God. Their attitude was the effect of their faith. They did not really trust
God or sacrifice to God. They lived as they wanted to live, with cursory
worship of God as an add-on to their lives. God wants us to give ourselves to
Him; to trust Him and to put ourselves aside. If we will give our best to Him
and trust Him with all of our lives, we will see the advantages of serving Him
as He pours out His blessings on us.
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