Sunday, August 4, 2013

Isaiah 44-45

August 4

Isaiah 44-45

The false gods, the idols of the nations do not pursue a relationship with people, people have to seek them out and pursue them. God, the true God is different. He pursues people. He promised to pour His Spirit out on His people and He has, beginning at Pentecost. Jesus came to reveal the Truth of God to a lost and broken world. As we read Isaiah 44-45, we hear God calling His people to come to him. He promises to be there if they will only return to Him. They have rejected Him and His Word, but He continues to call them to himself.

God has put a desire for a relationship with Him in the hearts of people, but people try to fill that desire with all kinds of idols. Israelites made idols; today we build big houses and drive fancy cars, or see how much money we can accumulate. Whatever we use to try to fill the emptiness in our lives other than a relationship with Jesus is an idol.

God pursues us, but He does not force us into a relationship. He redeems us, but He does not force us to take the gift He offers. He knows us before we are even born, He promises to walk with us throughout our lives and to bless us and to protect us, but He does not make us walk with Him. He even uses those who do not know Him and reject Him to accomplish His purposes.

God desires a relationship with us. He used Israel to reveal what a covenant relationship with Him would look like. They rejected His grace. Jesus came to reveal God to a broken world. He was rejected and killed. God sends the Holy Spirit to call us into a relationship with Him. How will we respond?

"“Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other." (Isaiah 45:22, NIV) 

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