Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Isaiah 4-7

July 23

Isaiah 4-7

When farmers invest in the best land, fertilizer, and plant stock, they expect to get a good crop. A good environment, the right amount of sun and water, good soil should produce a good crop. God compares Israel to a vineyard. God prepared the soil; He cleared out the rocks and planted good vines. When the time came for the harvest the grapes were bad. God had brought Israel into the land He had chosen for them. He had prepared them and the land. He drove out the nations who were occupying the land. He expected Israel to live for Him and to produce good fruit. Instead they rebelled against Him and worshiped false gods. God decided He would destroy the vineyard; He would bring judgment on Israel.

God needed someone to proclaim His judgment so the people would know God was the source of the calamity that was coming upon the nation. Isaiah the prophet was in the temple when he had a close encounter with God. The seraph took a coal from the altar where the sacrifices were burnt and touched his lips to cleanse him. Then Isaiah heard the voice of God; “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”" (Isaiah 6:8, NIV) Isaiah volunteered to go and do whatever God wanted him to do without even asking what God wanted done.

God gave Isaiah the task of warning the people of Israel of God’s impending judgment. But God told Isaiah the people would not respond to him. They would not hear. They would not repent. They would not respond.

How do we measure success? Was Isaiah successful in his task? Our obedience to God does not guarantee we will accomplish our goals, but it does guarantee we will accomplish God’s goals. God desires obedience; the results are up to Him. True faith leads to obedience no matter the task God gives us. Will you pray today; “Here am I. Send me!” then watch what God does in your life?

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